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The California Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) System has a total length of 121 Miles and 46 Stations (44 Home Origin, 30 Non-home Origin and 16 Home Origin Only).

According to BART Origin-destination Travel Matrix (See the Graph for the whole system and those for each line),

  • The average ridership in the weekday is much higher than that in the weekend, which means commuters might be the main passengers of BART.

  • Exists are generally consistent with Entries;

  • The ridership of Orange Line is obviously lower than others'.

TOP 5 Stations with the most Entries and Exists


(1) Montgomery Street;

(2) Embarcadero;

(3) Powell Street;

(4) Civic Center/ UN Plaza;

(5) 12th Street / Oakland City Center;


(1) Powell Street;

(2) Embarcadero;

(3) Civic Center/ UN Plaza;

(4) Montgomery Street;

(5) Berkeley;​

  • In Weekdays, passengers concentrate in downtown San Francisco and Downtown Oakland, the main office areas. Passengers flow between residential areas and downtown (SF) working areas.

  • In Weekends, passengers flow to amenities in downtown areas and Berkeley areas, where students enjoy their weekends. Passengers flow to amenities in central areas of the city, Balboa Park, where is a central public leisure space, and the SFO Airport.

  • The stations and routes popular at the weekends and in weekdays are highly consistent.

  • Stations in the downtown areas mostly do not have parking space but have various transit choices


These stations and routes are popular generally. In the next stage, in order to better find the difference of passengers' choices during the weekend and that in weekdays, we might need to try another calculation methods.


Increase Most in Percentage (Stations)

Most in Weekdays

Montgomery Street; Pleasant Hill; 19th Street Oakland; 12th Street / Oakland City Center; Embarcadero; North Concord;

Most in Weekends

Coliseum; San Francisco International Airport; Berkeley; Oakland International Airport; West Oakland; Powell Street;

  • As for percentage increase most in Weekdays, passengers mainly flow among downtown San Francisco and Downtown Oakland, and rural areas.

  • As for percentage increase most in Weekends, the most popular stations are in central city and campus areas (Powell St and Berkeley), two airports and Coliseum, where amenities concentrated.

Increase Most in Percentage (Routes - Weekdays)

(1) North Concord - 12th Street / Oakland City Center 
(2) West Dublin/Pleasanton - 12th Street / Oakland City Center 
(3) North Concord - 19th Street Oakland
(4) Pittsburg Center- 12th Street / Oakland City Center
(5) 19th Street Oakland - West Dublin/Pleasanton

Increase Most in Percentage (Routes - Weekdays)

(1) Orinda - Coliseum 
(2) Millbrae - Coliseum 
(3) Lafayette - Coliseum 
(4) Orinda - Lafayette
(5) West Dublin/Pleasanton - Coliseum


Routes to downtown Oakland become most popular in weekdays than in weekends, where is a main office area. According to the research before, routes to downtown SF seems popular both in weekdays and in weekends.

Routes from rural areas to Coliseum become most popular in weekends than in weekdays. Some passengers might park in this area and take transits to the airport owing to the relative cheap parking fee.

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